Sunday 18 September 2011 By: Mohammad usman

Internet Guide For The Beginners

For exchanging information among the users, Internet plays a very crucial role. If you are a new computer user and don't have much knowledge about how internet works and its basics, this article will help you. The Internet is an unending ocean of information and reliance on it has grown up significantly. You can get Internet and network support from an online computer repair company.

What is Internet

Before delving deeper, let's take a look at what is Internet. This is a worldwide network of PC where all are connected to one another either by telephone lines, cables and satellites. Internet could be compared with a huge library where you will get everything from the news, sports scores, etc. You can also enjoy shopping, pay bills, and stay in touch with your buddies through Internet. To get internet connection you need an Internet Service Provider, or ISP.

How to Access

If you want to access the Internet then your PC should have exceptional IP addresses. It is not possible to share same IP (Internet Protocol) address with more than one PC. There are four numerals separated by dots or simply put full stops in IP address. The IP address could be compared as a person's postal address.

How Information is Transferred

In the realm of Internet, information is transferred into minute packets. There are E-mail packets, web browsers and also news readers that are used in this regard. One can also enjoy live chat with their friends, family members and acquaintances.

What are Servers

You may have heard the term server but don't know what exactly it is. These are the computers that play a specified role in the Internet. To make the Internet run successfully, their presence is very important. it is the server that render access to the endless files that are available in the Internet which are known as websites. The servers send requests to a variety of websites that make up a website. There are also mail servers. These are designed to decipher and modulate the packages which are used by the e-mail.

What is Modem

Modulator/Demodulator, popularly known as Modem is one of the most important components to access the Internet. This device needs to be connected to a telephone for accessing the Internet. The modem does the job of conversion. It converts the electrical signals to analog signals and vice-versa.

Alluring Features of Internet

A plethora of services are offered by the Internet and the most popular one is downloading. Nowadays computer users can easily download their favorite songs, games, wallpapers, movies and screensavers from different websites. Even the users can now also watch live TV on Internet.


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